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Watch Videos I've Made on
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Twelve Inch Richard on Youtube!


I'm somewhat of a Youtube addict.  I've learned everything from how to fix a car door to how to lube up my wife when getting ready for a big bedroom (or kitchen or bathroom or whereever) romp!

If you like my videos, make certain to give them a THUMBS-UP and SUBSCRIBE!

So, I decided that since I like Youtube so much you probably do as well.  With that in mind, I've begun producing videos that I hope you'll enjoy.  When I first created the videos I've made my intention was to do a 1980's 'Max Headroom' style image and make it talk. This proved nearly impossible but, thanks to the technology available and, after several days of trial and error (more error than I'd like to admit), I think I've come up with a decent approximation of what I wanted.

Obama Video


The first video I posted is my opinion on the lie told by President Obama when he said:
"If you like your plan you can keep your plan.  Period."


Bad Ass Women Video


The second video is a history lesson on two of the most Bad Ass women in history: Lyudmila Pavlichenko and Milunka Savic.  If you don't know who these to women are and you consider yourself a connoisseur of badassery ... SHAME ON YOU!  Watch this video and you'll learn that some women have WAY more than there share of testosterone (which may account for President Obama having so little).

Boresha Skinny Coffee Review


I'm NOT a fan of this 'diet' coffee and, if you've got a few minutes to sit here drinking your favorite beverage (hot chocolate, a soda, Jack Daniel's Whiskey, of your favorite cup of Jo) I'll explain why.  This company seems to have some promise but one of the 'promises' I don't think they're keeping up on is to be transparent with where their researchers have gotten their credientials from.


How to Scare the Shit Out of Death


This video was FUN to make.  Not only do I discuss some of the most amazing and improbable escapes from 'certain' death that have ever happened, I was fascinated by the sheer number of people who have survived death's icy grip.  I culled the number down to around 3 people who I think epitomize luck or the hand of God.


If you'd like me to post a video on ANY subject, write and let me know!  I don't know if I will but I promise I'll give it a look-see and think about what you've asked for!


Unbiased Review of Boresha Nuvo-Gene Tea


Unlike the Skinny coffee (which I hated) from the company called Boresha, I actually think the tea tastes pretty damn good.  Of course I still have a problem with the 'lead member' of their science team because I can't find our anything concerning her educational qualifications anywhere and everyone else on their team seems to proudly display where they when to school (accept for Mrs. Ann de Wees Allen) but, hell... in the words of Mrs. Hillary Clinton "Does it really matter anyway?"  Probably not.


Top 10 Jobs for Lazy People


Yep, this is the latest and greatest top 10 list of jobs for people too lazy to actually look for work themselves.  This video covers a wide array of work including Urine Farmers, Professional Snugglers and even Sex Toy Consultants.  If you haven't watched this video, I think it's well worth your time to do so... at least for a chuckle or two!

Later folks!


Ann de Wees Allen and Her Educational Credentials


In this video I discuss the enigma that is Ann de Wee's Allen, N.D..  I explore the available information on her educational background and credentials.  If you are looking for information on Ann de Wees Allen, where she went to school and her expertise(s), look no further.  You've found what I consider the definitive online dictionary of Ann de Wees Allen -- of course, my friends think I'm a moron so maybe 'definitive online dictionary' isn't the exact phrase used to describe this video about Ann de Wees Allen but it sure sounds good doesn't it?



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