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Ann de Wees Allen Part 2 (of Educational Credentials)


But, I did find a RAY of hope…


When I contacted the following schools:


University of Bridgeport-College of Naturopathic Medicine, Bridgeport, CT


Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, New Westminster, British Columbia


National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, IL


I DIDN’T get a NO! Yay!


Instead I was told that without a waiver from Mrs. Allen, if she did attend one of these schools, they wouldn’t be able to tell me whether or not she graduated from them.


Of course, the fact that NONE of the states or the Accredited schools I contacted were able to confirm that Mrs. Allen is or has been a licensed or registered practitioner, could simply mean they are mistaken. We all know how those pesky transcripts can get lost or held up (just ask President Obama – WOW, wouldn’t you hate to be THAT guy… the guy who holds the most powerful position in the United States and even he can’t get his school records released?).


And to be completely fair, three of the schools I contacted: the National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, IL; the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in British Columbia and the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine in Connecticut wouldn’t tell me whether or not Mrs. Allen had attended or graduated from their schools without a release form from her as outlined in both the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Personal Information Protection Act.


But, just in case she wants to allow people to contact them and find out about her credentials… here’s their contact information:


National University of Health Sciences

200 East Roosevelt Road

Lombard, Illinois 60148



Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in British Columbia

Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine

#200 - 435 Columbia Street

New Westminster B.C., V3L 5N8



University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine in Connecticut

University Of Bridgeport

126 Park Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06604



So, now that this information has been made abundantly clear, perhaps Mrs. Allen wouldn’t mind applying a general waiver so anyone who wants to can at least verify she went to and was awarded a doctorate from one of these schools.


I completely understand that, as a lone individual, my ability to check out the credibility of anyone who supplies such little verifiable information on themselves is hampered by the same lack of information. But, that’s what makes this so much fun! It’s like an internet game of easter egg hunting! So, if Mrs. Allen would be so kind as to publicly state where it is that she acquired her education and in what year she obtained her doctorate in naturopathy I’m certain all of this speculation can be completely answered.


If she attended and graduated from one of the two universities who require a release form from her, I’m certain she’d be willing to sign said form because I’m just as certain she has nothing to hide.


Besides, I seriously doubt that the two doctors with whom she serves, Dr. Massood Moshrefi and Dr. Sonia Najja]r, wouldn’t work with a person they had not personally verified the credentials of.


It’s probably just an oversight that of the 10 Executive Team Members of Boresha International ONLY Mrs. Allen’s bio doesn’t contain her educational background. Surely that must be it… an oversight… RIGHT?


Executive Team Members of Boresha International


1) George Najjar

San Francisco State University with a degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering


2) Tony Drexel Smith

University of La Verne Bachelor of Arts, Business Admininstration


3) Adib Nassar

B.S. in Chemistry and Biology from the University of Notre Dame de Namur and Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with an emphasis on Operations Research and Marketing


4) Len Di Giovanni

St. Mary’s College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration and English


5) Lorie Harrell

University of Southern Colorado – Studied Law


6) Ronald J. Fichera

Doctor of Jurisprudence from Widener University School of Law, a Master of Arts Degree in English and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History from Villanova University


7) Kristine F. Virtue

B.S. Food Science and Nutrition, University of California, Berkeley 1980 Regents Scholar


8) Dr. Massood Moshrefi

B.S. in Chemistry from the Institute of Polytechnic from Tehran, Iran and an M.S. in Food Science and Technology from California State University, Fresno


9) Dr. Sonia Najjar

B.A. in Biochemistry and an M.S. in Chemistry from San Francisco State University, and a PH.D in Physiology from Stanford University Medical School


10) Dr. Ann de Wees Allen



Okay, so after trying my best to figure out, all by myself, where Mrs. Allen graduated from I turned my attention to contacting various agencies, organizations and schools in an attempt to verify Mrs. Allen’s doctorate, her claims of patents and trademarks and her general expertise in the fields for which she states, categorically, to hold positions that would require higher education to effectively direct.


These are the responses I got from them! I’ve got to tell you… if I were Mrs. Allen I don’t know if I’d ever work with any organization like the ones I received answers from below because if they don’t keep even decent records of such a stellar scientist as Mrs. Allen… who in the world would… am I right or am I right?


From the National Library of Medicine:


“In response to your request looking for publications from either Dr. Ann de Wees Allen (N.D.) or the Glycemic Research Institute for which she is the Chief of Biomedical Research on the glycemic index or the glycemic impact of foods on people, you have contacted the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).


I have searched our databases including a database of over 22 million citations to biomedical journal articles for her name in various forms of de Wees, deWeese, de Weese Allen, and Allen with her other names, and for the Glycemic Research Institute in the text or affiliation field of articles and find nothing published and indexed by that author in our biomedical literature.


I also did a quick search of some non NLM databases like CAB Abstracts (for nutritional journals) and SCOPUS which covers a wide variety of subject areas and found nothing.


I would suggest contacting the author from her site, for a bibliography of her scientific, biomedical or nutritional articles that have been published. I hope this will be helpful.”


R. Gordner

Reference and Customer Service

National Library of Medicine

8600 Rockville Pike

Bethesda, MD 20894

1-888-346-3656 (within US)

301-594-5983 (international)


To Discover Magazine


I had written:


Hi, I'm attempting to verify a statement made by Dr. Ann de Wee Allen on her site ( under the section 'Future Science.' Specifically the claim reads that her "statement on quaternary saturated amines prompted a correction by Discover."


I'm not certain when this correction might have been made but I'm hoping you can help me determine whether or not this is true.




“I can tell you that it's not a correction that's been made within the last year, and her name doesn't turn up in a search of our archives. With a little more context, I might be able to track it down, but I'd need to know a bit more: at least the year when the correction was made, or the original article she corrected, or the issue the correction or original article ran in, or the author of the original article, etc.


I noticed the lack of specific references which makes it frustratingly hard to validate her claims. Her name doesn't come up in a search of PDFs of our magazine back issues (nor does "quaternary," "saturated," "amines," or any combination of those terms), and unfortunately, short of looking at every single Mail page printed in the mag, there's just no real way to find a correction otherwise.


Again, if you're able get any more information from anywhere else, I'm happy to look more in-depth for you.”



Editorial Staff

Discover Magazine

21027 Crossroads Circle

P.O. Box 1612

Waukesha, WI 53187-1612


[Plea from Me: Mrs. Allen, please, would you mind simply notating the exact date and issue the correction was made in Discover magazine so all of us with inquiring minds can find out?]


To the Department of Nutritional Sciences


I wrote:


Dr. Jenkins, I'm attempting to verify the validity of the claims of Dr. Ann de Wees Allen (an N.D. living in Florida). She claims to have received the first patent granted worldwide on the Glycemic Index (


As the developer of the concept of the Glycemic Index do you know if this claim is true and, if so, where I might be able to find peer-reviewed research on her work?




Answer from Dr. Kendall, the head of the Department of Nutritional Sciences for Dr. Jenkins:


I have never heard of this doctor nor am I aware of a worldwide patent on GI.


Best,Dr. Kendall”


Cyril W.C. Kendall, PhD

Department of Nutritional Sciences

Faculty of Medicine

University of Toronto

150 College Street

Toronto, Ontario

Canada M5S 3E2

Tel: 416-978-6527

Fax: 416-978-5310


To the University of Florida Human Resource Services


I wrote:


I'm attempting to verify that Dr. Ann de Wees Allen, N.D. (Doctor of Naturopathy) owns a Human testing facility in the University of Florida? It may be for the indexing the glycemic values of foods and it might have been prior to 2008 that she owned said testing facility.


If you are not able to verify this and you happen to know to whom I should address my question, I would greatly appreciate it if you would forward said information to me.


Answer: “Thank you for your inquiry. This person is not affiliated with the University of Florida.”


University of Florida Human Resource Services


To the National Institutes of Health


I wrote:


I'm wondering if the Doctor of Naturopathy, Dr. Ann de Wees Allen works with the National Institutes of Health or if she works as a Senior Research scientist for the Washington D.C.-based Cancer Help Line, a national cancer program providing up-to-date research for the National Institute of Health?


Thanks very much for your time!


Answer: Dr. Ann de Wees Allen is not listed as an NIH employee. We are not certain of her whereabouts. Please let us know if we can assist further.”


NIH INFO – code J


As a follow-up I wrote:


Thanks so much! Can you tell me if she had ever worked with the NIH by providing information to you through the Cancer Help Line or if you know of the Cancer Help Line of which she speaks?


Answer:I’m sorry, we have no information on this person.”


NIH INFO – code J


To the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology – a UCLA research department that is a leader in peer reviewed articles and research for the treatment of Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia


I wrote: I was wondering if you'd ever heard of Dr. Ann de Wees Allen. The reason I ask is because she states she has found a 'key code' for treating Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia at: and implies the same at:


I'm simply trying to ascertain whether or not Dr. Allen has indeed been a part of this type of research (nutritional genomics) and where I can find articles she has contributed to.


Thanks for any help you can give me.


Answer:I am unfamiliar with Dr. de Wees Allen or her work.


Raymond Rodriguez, Professor and Director

Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Global HealthShare Initiative

University of California, Davis

Davis, CA 95616


Oh my gosh… the poor lady! I can’t believe the apparent ineptitude of her fellow scientists and heads of departments. I mean c’mon people… for a professor and director of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology that deals with treating Sickle cell disease and Thalassemia to state, categorically, that he’s unfamiliar with Mrs. Allen, who is known in the industry, by HER OWN admission, as being ‘THE’ Alpha Scientist… I mean… if I were her I’d take this as a personal slap on my credibility. But, that’s just me. I’m certain that someone of her professional stature brushes this type of misinformation off as no more than just a minor irritation… kind of like a mosquito on an elephant’s ass! In fact, I’m just as certain that all of these people are mistaken and they probably do have Mrs. Allen’s work documented somewhere… they have probably just mistakenly overlooked it.


Again, to be completely fair and open and honest… what I’m presenting has not been independently verified by anyone else besides me (as far as I know). However, to the best of my knowledge, what I’m presenting to you concerning Mrs. Ann de Wees Allen is true.


And, once again, since I’ve not been able to find anyone on the corporate level or anyone she has ever worked with or from her own company or from her personally to verify her education I took it upon myself to investigate, as thoroughly as I could within the limitations of the internet, the claims she makes. If, at any time in the future, the claims I question are shown to be true I’ll happily take down this video and update it.


Now here me out… I am NOT saying that Mrs. Allen is lying about anything she claims. It could be that everything she has said about her background is true and verifiable. I, for one, hope that it is because I’d hate to think anyone would willingly trick potentially thousands of people by making claims that aren’t true.


But, in the words of Hillary Clinton, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”


With that being said, here are some of the claims made by Ann de Wees Allen on various websites as well as through other mediums such as blogs etc.


A Claim she makes:


From [She is] “Known in the industry as the Alpha Scientist…”


I asked this question towards the beginning but who is it that has called her the “Alpha Scientist?” The ONLY reference I can find that equates the title of Alpha Scientist with Mrs. Allen is found on Wiki Answers and put there by Jeff Acklin under the pseudonym C.Hainsaw (or Chainsaw) and reads:


“I am a physician double-board certified in emergency and integrative medicine. The only place I have ever heard the use of the phrase ‘Alpha Scientist’ is in regards to Ann de wees Allen. The term Alpha Scientist sounds quite impressive but appears to be a designation reserved just for this gal. With a huge list of apparent accomplishments, she has no published articles in any peer reviewed scientific or medical journal. Surely, an ‘alpha scientist’ would be one of those individuals whose public scientific work would be found somewhere credible.”


Posted by: Jeff Acklin under the pseudonym C.Hainsaw


A Claim she makes at [She is] “in the forefront of scientific breakthroughs including… Edible Computer Chips.”


One might wonder what an edible computer chip is? The answer, from the site (which is hosted by none other than – the same people who host is:


“The phrase Edible Computer Chip was coined by research scientist, Dr. Ann de Wees Allen, as she sought to clarify and explain how the human brain responds to stimulus, such as food and beverages.”


And, from her own pen (or keyboard):


“Every food, drink, Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical, vitamin, and mineral ingested by humans is a computer chip. If it enters the mouth, it is an Edible Computer Chip®. A banana is an Edible Computer Chip®, and so is a hamburger, or a soda, or any other food or beverage.” -- Quote from:


So… an ‘Edible Computer Chip®’ is simply… you guessed it… FOOD!


But, instead of simply stating that she is ‘in the forefront of scientific breakthroughs including FOOD,’ I can only imagine she thinks it makes her look smarter to put the terms ‘edible’ and ‘computer chips’ together. I have to wonder though… if Edible Computer Chips are simply ‘any type of food’ what scientific breakthroughs has Mrs. Allen come up with as it concerns food?


Has she actually ‘created’ a new type of food or is she referring to the glycemic index she has used for years? If this is the case, why doesn’t she just say she’s on the forefront of glycemic indexing?


The question becomes more complex because she lists herself as being the Chief Science Officer over Edible Computer Chips. Isn’t this, based on her own words, the same thing as saying she is the "Chief Science Officer over Food?”


As an aside, I really would like to see Mrs. Allen list the companies for which she holds these positions? Are they all titles (or subtitles) she has with the Glycemic Research Institute? And, as far as the Glycemic Research Institute is concerned, why are NO OTHER employees (other than Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Allen’s daughter Octavia Ormsbee – who is the President of GRI) listed on their site?


And I don’t even think Mrs. Ormsbee is actually listed on the site… it took me some digging to confirm she was President of GRI. Certainly, such a prestigious organization would have other scientists working with them… wouldn’t they?


An example of what may simply be an oversight on the part of the company is this:


Mrs. Allen is listed as the ONLY person who sits on BOTH Encode Research’s Advisory Board

( and their Science Team (


I thought that a TEAM and a BOARD were both composed of MORE than ONE individual?? Maybe I’m wrong or, again, maybe this is simply an oversight on the part of the company.


Continued on Ann de Wees Allen Part 3

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